It indicates that under the impact of climate change , the suitable habitat for formosan landlocked salmon will be compressed temporally and spatially 研究结果显示樱花?吻鲑的适当栖地,在时间与空间的尺度上,均有被封装的情形出现。
The segments up from dam no . 3 with the excellent temperature regimes , various habitat types and satisfactory tree coverage can be classified as superior habitats for the formosan landlocked salmon 三号坝以上无论是水温、栖地类型丰富度、罩盖度均可归类为良好栖地,建议持续上游放流工作,扩大上游族群。
This study provides a physics - based model for predicting the climate change impact on stream temperature and in turn on formosan landlocked salmon ( oncorhynchus mason formosanus ) habitat 摘要本研究利用一物理性的水温模式进行国宝鱼樱花?吻鲑栖地水温的仿真,评估气候变迁对于其生存栖地在时间与空间考量下,所可能生成的影响。
This study modeling one of the formosan landlocked salmon ' s habitats : the gaoshan creek and consider both terrain and vegetative shading effect to provide reasonable simulation of water temperature 本研究在樱花钩吻鲑栖地之一:高山溪流域进行水温仿真,同时将地形遮蔽以及植生遮蔽之效应纳入水温模式的计算当中,使得仿真结果更为准确。
landlocked salmonとは意味:陸封ザケ landlocked salmon meaning: Noun: landlocked salmon 'land`lókt 'samun Atlantic salmon confined to lakes of New England and southeastern Canada - lake salmon Derived forms: landlocked salmon Type of: ...